Nowadays, almost all cars, boats, bikes and phones are equipped with a GPS module. Most times the GPS position is plotted electronically on a chart or map. Very convenient!
This technology has turned (the art of) Astronomical Navigation pretty much into an old fashioned and unnecessary skill for the greater maritime community. Although …., since GPS signals can be jammed, there is discussion within certain groups whether the skill should be preserved or not.
Early on in my career, I relied on astro navigation to get across the oceans, and it has always fascinated me. At this time, I still think it’s kind of cool to understand how a reasonably accurate position on earth can be derived from observing and “shooting” the sun and/or the stars.
For those of you who also would like to learn a bit more about this, or brush up your knowledge, I have scheduled a few presentations - FREE!
Tuesday, February 18 10:30 Location: Story & Song bookstore (upstairs)
An Introduction to Astronomical Navigation
Tuesday, February 25 10:30 Location: Story & Song bookstore (upstairs)
Tuesday, March 4 13:00 (1 pm) Location: Story & Song bookstore (upstairs)
There are a few people in the club who own a sextant. On nice days, we can go to the beach in small groups and practice “shooting the sun” over the eastern horizon.
FREE - No reservations needed.